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好书推荐: 穿越蛮荒兽时代 老婆你被潜了 宝贝驾到:妈咪我来养 重生异能女 压寨毒妃 以丹逆命 恶狼殿下别偷吃 纪少的金牌老婆 总裁如此多骄 星光璀璨之贵族转校生

sog over me总有人在注视我

it doesn't y不在意他人如何评说

and it doesn't matter how long it takes不在意花费多久

for leaving yourself and you'll find因为将你留下,你会发现

and it only matters how true you are它只在意你有多真实

be true to yourself and follow your heart对自己要情真意切,按照自己的想法行事

that i won't give up, no i won't break down我不会放弃,我不会崩溃

sooner than it seems life turns around不久之后生命看起来会天翻地覆

and i will be strong, even if it all goes wrong我会无比坚强,即使一切全错

when i'm standing in the dark i'll still believe当我身处黑暗中,我依然相信

that i won't give up, no i won't break down我不会放弃,我不会崩溃

sooner than it seems life turns around不久之后生命看起来会天翻地覆

and i will be strong, even if it all goes wrong我会无比坚强,即使一切全错

when i'm standing in the dark i'll still believe当我身处黑暗中,我依然相信

sog over me总有人在注视我

that sog over, sog over总有人在注视我,总有人在注视我

sog over me总有人在注视我

yeah yeah是的,是的

oh oh sog over me哦,哦,总有人在注视我

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